Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What a great community I live in....

I am so blessed. I have to write how the LORD is taking such good care of me. Thank you God.

He is so good to me. He is my husband, my maker whose name is the LORD of hosts, And He is my redeemer and is called the GOD of all the earth. So amazing! All the wonderful things HE is doing for me.

I am celebrating my community and how God is putting people in my life from cooking great meals for me that stretch out to 2 to 3 meals to taking me out to eat...so amazing. Ruth Ann to Shelia to Nancy to Ruthie...to Joan to neighbors. So unbelievable. I am not surprised but stand in awe at my Savior.
If you do not know HIM or have a personal relationship with HIM I am so sorry because you can...so easy. You see it is not about me. It is all about HIM. It is not what I am doing or have not done. You see, that is why God calls our salvation the gift of God. The gift of HIS only son. And guess what? I think HE is coming back soon to get HIS church.
Believe on the LORD JESUS CHRIST thou shalt be saved. THATS IT! So easy.

I miss my husband and grieve for him all the time. I am so aware that he is gone.
I know it will get better but this is so hard. If you are reading this I request your prayers.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

PJ Parrish - THE Little Death - Recommend.

I recently had the privilege of meeting one half of P.J. Parrish - Kristy Montee.

She was a featured speaker at our Emerald Coast Writers Association. She is a great speaker with an uncanny ability to capture the attention of the audience. She is funny and relaxed on stage. I liked her.

I think that these two sisters are extremely smart to be able to collaborate as if they are one. How hard is that!

We had several published authors attending out meeting. Now I am anxious to read them all.

This was my first time so I was a little overwhelmed. But I made some great friends.

I just completed P.J. Parrish "THE LITTLE DEATH".

While it was a little hard to get into (maybe it's just me) This turned into an excellent plot and story for the Detective Louis Kincaid.

However, I had to keep looking to see what year this book was written. The pocketbook edition is dated March 2010. The characters did not have cell phones or use computers or GPS, which made it a little frustrating for me the reader.

It turned into an unexpected action packed book with a surprise twist of events. It is a good book for the beach.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Are you one of them? What happen to them?

Matthew 27:52 And the tombs were opened and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised.

Matthew 27:53 and coming out of the tombs after HIS resurrection they entered the Holy City and appeared to many.

Did these people look like ZOMBIES? Did the city folks go into a frenzy?

What would you have done? Become a believer.

What happen to these people that were raised from the dead?

Imagine this happening today. A tomb opens and the dead person walking around into your city.

Did they talk? Did they die again? Did they ascend with Jesus?

Are they still here? Are they walking around now in today's time. YIKES!

Could this be a book?

Sometimes I think that some of my friends are angels! But then scripture never portrays an angel as a woman. These beings are always mentioned in the male gender.

Maybe some of my wonderful loving friends are these people that are mentioned .

However, the scripture does say SAINTS.

We all know a saint is a believer. They either believed He was coming or that He did come...Based on who Christ is and what HE is doing and done...not on our works...well you know...
but Saints... Like Nancy, Shelia, Joan, Ruth Ann and Ruthie or maybe my 83 year old mama or my sister Connie - could it be that they are one of those saints that were raised and walked into the Holy city...with Jesus? Then there is Christy and Carlene, Krystal...hmmmm.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Does Liz have her piles?

Elizabeth Taylor is getting married again. Number 9! How old is she now? 80 or 82? Wow!

What's up with that? I saw a picture of her in a wheel chair, smiling.

I wonder where she will go for her honeymoon? I wonder if she does the do? You know S-E-X.

I am cleaning out my storage unit. I brought all the boxes of paper records home to go through and divide into piles.
Piles that can go into the garbage and piles to shred...In theses old boxes marked bank statements and tax records I found lots of letters, cards, pictures, newspaper articles and poems from long ago when I was married to Howard. I decided to make piles of stuff to save as well as the other two piles.
My dining room is a mess.

It was fun reading about how much Howard loved me, poems and cards and letters from Krystal, Jatha and Karin Twila Slaughter. I wondered if I could put Karin's letters on E-Bay and sell them and make any money.
Would that be wrong?

Then I found letters and stuff from Justin. It has been 16 weeks since he died. I miss him so much. I cried a lot today.
A whole lot of shredding going on with bank statements and checks but these wonderful memories I will hold onto again.
As I sift through these boxes of old and dusty papers, I am so happy that I saved them.

I have separated into piles all my husbands and boyfriends. Let's see there was Tony, Howard, Justin and some old stuff from Ray. (Boy I am so glad I did not marry him!) I will hold onto those as well....But Piles and piles of stuff? Just stuff.

I will save them again and hope that my children, or their children, will enjoy reading them.

I wonder if Liz has piles too? If I could talk to her I would say take lots of pictures and write lots of memories for the day, Liz, so in 15 years you too, can go through your old piles of husbands and boyfriends.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Spin the Wheel - Go For It!

Americans are great. We are raised on instant gratification and the optimism that everything is going to work out. I believe that. If you don't, then you are UN-AMERICAN!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Karin Slaughter, Lee Child, PJ Parrish

Book reviews Coming....


Searching For Solutions?

Today I learned from scripture and some research that it will not be long before Jesus makes His appearing. You can look up red face heifer and the temple institute.

However the resurrection of Jesus insures me an exit from the Anti Christ.

Our country's sovereignty and constitution is being stripped away by our leaders in
government. A global economy. The institute of a integrated system of financial technical mechanism.
Our president is facilitating a one world government. It will come to pass that we will be called citizens of the world.
Not me, my citizenship is in heaven. I hope your is too!

The temple is going to be re-built. All is in place.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Emerald Coast Writers Association

WOW! What a great weekend. Met some great people and shared some great conversations with published authors, agents and novice writers like me.

My mama, The Margaret Sutherland, was a hit and made new friends. She is the best writer in our family. The genius behind all of her children. Everyone loved her stories, and hoped she would continue her writing. She had a great time for an 83 year old chick.